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New Square's 2021 Pushcart Prize Nominees in Prose, Announced!

It is my distinct privilege to announce New Square’s 2021 Pushcart Prize Nominees in prose. They are as follows:


Nonfiction- Kerry Feltner- “NRG” ( Spring 2021 issue). 


Fiction- Christopher Miguel Flakus- “The Jazz Somnambulist” ( Spring 2021 issue). 


Fiction- Kaliyah Dorsey- “The Big Feeling” ( updated draft forthcoming in the Fall 2021 issue- an earlier version of this story appeared in our Spring 2019 issue- I strongly encourage everyone to give it a read). 


You can find all of these pieces, as well as links to all of our issues by accessing the digital editions of New Square at this


And just for the record, and I don’t give a damn how biased this sounds, the Pushcart committee will not read a better piece than any of our three nominees. 


More broadly ( and more importantly), I can say unequivocally that nothing has ever been printed in New Square has been anything less than phenomenal- that was our founding standard and you have allowed us to maintain that with your extraordinary work. With that in mind, I’d like to take a second to recognize some other writers whose worthy pieces fell outside of the 2021 nomination timeline window but are deserving all the same- Harry Lowther, Rose Malone, Shane Cashman, Elizabeth Boudreau, Kirianna Gambrel, Samantha Thuesen, Colin Brzezicki, Laura Rockefeller, Megan Fitzgerald, Jeff Bens, Thomas Keith, James Schepker, Jane Harrington & Samuel Marx. I expect a vigorous competition for next year as well.


Fall submissions are due November 5. 



Joseph Reynolds

Director | The Sancho Panza Literary Society

Editor in Chief/Fiction Editor |New Square


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